[ Endotine Foreheadlift (Brow lift) ]
When considering blepharoplasty as a primary procedure, we must keep in mind the important relationships among the forehead, eyebrows, and upper eyelids. Many times, peoples are referred for “crowded” upper eyelids. Often, the culprit is actually the eyebrow. This may be corrected with forehead surgery instead of a simple classical blepharoplasty with skin excision.
Endoscopic forehead lift can provide eyebrow lift while minimizing postoperative scarring and tissue disruption. The goal is not only to elevate the brow but also to decrease forehead rhytides (wrinkles or skin folds), decrease vertical glabellar rhytides, improve lateral canthal hooding and rhytides, and decrease the infrabrow skin area
The Endotine Forehead device gives your surgeon the most advanced technology for endoscopic brow-lift surgery. The unique design uses multiple points of contact to securely
hold tissue in its new, rejuvenated position. This is especially important during the critical early healing phase. Typically it takes 30 to 60 days for the lifted tissue to reattach to the bone. After this time, the Endotine device gradually dissolves until it is completely absorbed
by the body. Endotine implants are made from a substance called polylactic acid, which is produced from plant materials to create a bio-plastic substance that dissolves naturally and is absorbed by the body. Unlike other options, such as screws or sutures that rely on a single point of contact, Endotine’s multiple holding points spread the tension forces over a wide area. This reduces the possibility of tissue stretch or suture failure (pulling through the tissue) that could occur post-operatively when you talk and express yourself.
Duration of surgery 1 hours |
Anesthesia deep sedation or general anestehsia |
Stitch Removal 7 Days after the Surgery |
Hospitalization none or 1day |
For a young patient, distance between the eyebrow and the eyelid; dramatic change in periorbital area
Previously, the most common method that affect the forehead was the “coronal forehead lift”. This involves the creation of an incision extending from one ear to the other over the top of the head. But this procedure is no longer used.
To address these short-comings, a procedure known as an “endoforehead lift” has gained popularity. This involves the use of an endoscope, which allows you to operate with small and minimal scars. Lifting the forehead soft tissue with eyebrow to widen the distance between eyebrow and eye. By doing this, periorbital skin redundancy can be reduced without excision of the double eyelid line which might look unnatural.
Due to the morbidity reduction of the browlift, the distance between the eyebrow and the eyelid could be changed easily into an ideal eyelid tension even for the young people to make a dramatic change.
The effects of the Endotine Forehead brow lift
Upgraded Endotine….mini-Endotine
Mini-Endotine is 60% smaller than the previous endotine. Most common complaint in Endotine Forehead lift is foreign body sensation, or extrusion. For a thin soft tissue patients, newly developed Mini-endotine could be used instead minimizing the foreign body sensation.
Upper blepharoplasty without skin excision
Eyebrow sagging reduces the distance between the eye and brow, so multi-directional wrinkles become prominent. With a classical blepharoplasty which excise the periorbital skin widely, the eyelids might fold unnaturally with the natural original creases distorted.
In these days, the browlift could restore the normal distance between the brow and the eye. At the same time, simple blepharoplasty without skin excision can be possible along the natural skin crease.