
  • 홈으로
  • Nose
  • Hump Nose deformity, Aquiline nose
[ Hump Nose deformity, Aquiline nose ]
Hump nose occurs due to the excessive growth of bones or cartilage in the nose or injury that hurt and make the bones or cartilage to protrude. In general, people with aquiline nose have long and drooping nose tips, and a small number of those people have low and upturned nose tips. Because aquiline nose can give the tough and stubborn impression, it is recommended to have a correction.
Duration of Surgery
1-2 Hours
Local anesthesia with light sedation or General anesthesia
Suture Removal
4-7 Days after the Surgery
Number of Follow-ups
1-2 Visits
Recovery Period
10 Days after the Surgery

"Bigger Nose after Hump Nose Surgery?!"

In the past, people used to improve hump nose by augmentation of the upper bridge and tip without bony reconstruction. This method made the nose too large as a whole. Therefore, it easily disturbed the balance of the face by making the nose larger than other features. As hump nose itself is not a small nose, if one adds prosthesis on it, it cannot improve the balance of the face.

Therefore, the object of hump surgery should be straightening or rounding the nose ridge. If one only heightens the end of the nose or the upper bridge, it may improve hump nose but the balance of the face can worsen. It is important to conduct accurate examinations by 3D CT analysis and Morpheus 3D facial scanner
Does the bone regrow after trimming the bumpy part?
The protruding part of the nasal ridge(hump) is a borderline between the nasal bone and septal cartilage. With a procedure that only shaves a hump with a rasp, though it can reduce the hard nasal bony part hump, but cannot reduce the partially mobile cartilage part. Right after surgery, the hump seems to be reduced well, because a mobile cartilage is pushed into the deep nasal space with its volume intact. However, this hidden cartilage rises back up by scar softening after 6 to 8months. This phenomenon created the myth that “hump regrow or recurrence after a hump surgery”. But, adequate cartilage reduction procedure with the blade cutting gives perfect outcome and prevents recurrence.
Methods of Individually Tailored Hump Nose Surgery
  1. If one’s bump is small
    If one’s bump is small, it can be effectively corrected by the endo-nasal procedure by rasping and cartilage shaping without open rhinoplasty

    It is relatively simple, and it takes about 30-40 minutes for the procedure
  2. Humpectomy without implant
    If the hump is bigger

    Bony hump and cartilaginous hump should be removed with osteotome and blade cutting together. Open roof created by humpectomy should be closed with lateral osteotomy and spreader graft. The drooping long nasal tip can be corrected by cephalic rotation of the tip projection. Septal extension procedures can be done for a short retracted tip deformity.
  3. Humpectomy with implant
    Same procedures for hump reduction and tip modification is performed. For a higher profiled nasal bridge. Silicon or Goretex implant can be placed above the bridge and Onlay cartilage graft with septal strut tip plasty can be done at the same time.
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보존 항목 : 환자 온라인 상담자료
보존 근거 : 병원내부방침
보존 기간 : 회원탈퇴시까지
