

Lower Blepharoplasty

  • 홈으로
  • Ophthalmo plasty
  • For Middle Age
  • Lower Blepharoplasty
[ Eye bag,
Transconjunctival blepharoplasty,
Lower lid Blepharoplasty,
Anterior zygomatic augmentation ]
Lower eyelid surgery is performed because of fat bags of the lower eyelids or because of extra lower eyelid skin or both. If only fat needs to be removed from the lower eyelids we use non-visible incisions called a ‘transconjunctival’ blepharoplasty. This incision is placed on the nonvisible pink part of the eyelid called the conjunctiva and then the fat pocket is redistributed with maximal preservation of the fat, called a fat mobilization blepharoplasty. No stitches are removed.
Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty
Non visible conjuctival incision

Approach through back side of the lid… wash or makeup is possible next day.
Without skin incision

Fat mobiliztion and redistribution and fixation to a proper position.
No need suture removal
If skin needs to be removed for wrinkle improvement with a fat mobilitation at the same time, a skin pinch is performed for your lower eyelids. This removes the desired amount of skin through an incision just a few millimeters below the lower eyelid lash line.

The thin lower eyelid skin generally heals very well making the incisions barely visible. (Lower Blepharoplasty)Often the lower eyelids do not need to have fat removed but need to have volume replaced if the eyes have a sunken or hollow appearance. The volume replacement can be performed with temporary materials like fillers such at Juvederm, Restylane, Perlane, or a long lasting alternative of your own fat, called a fat transfer. If fat injection is chosen the fat is removed from either your abdomen or thighs by liposuction and then fat cells are purified and very small amounts of individual fat cells are injected to replace the lost volume. Fat transfer can lead to very long lasting results.

The lower eyelid blepharoplasty takes about 30 minutes to 1 hour to perform. The cosmetic surgery is performed with local anesthesia and a varying degree of sedation depending on patient comfort. Our fully accredited JJ Surgery Center offers any degree of anesthesia from local anesthesia to a general anesthesia monitored by a board certified anesthesiologist. The stitches are removed 5 days after procedrue (Lower blepharoplasy, not in transconjuctival blepharoplasty).
Lower lid blepharoplasty
Eyebag with redundant skin at the same time

subciliary incision

fat mobiliztion/ skin removal

Muscle fixation

meticulous suture
Anterior zygomatic Augmentation for Dark Circle improvement
While the eye bag makes buldging in the lower eyelid, the anterior cheek just below the lower lid is mildly sunken due to a tissue sagging. The midface is shaded by the eye bag buldging and depression itself(Dark circle).. The midface shadow (dark circle) can be corrected with eyebag surgery(transconjuctival blepharoplasty or lower lid blepharopalsty) and filler or fat transfer to the midface area at the same time.
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보존 항목 : 환자 온라인 상담자료
보존 근거 : 병원내부방침
보존 기간 : 회원탈퇴시까지
