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  • Body shaping
  • Liposuction
[ Liposuction ]
Liposuction is a plastic surgery that removes accumulated fat inside the body using acoustic pressure, ultrasonic waves, or laser.
Liposuction removes fat cells rather than reducing them, so unless one gains a lot of weight again, the fat will not appear again.
Even if one gains weight again, since the number of fat cells has reduced, the patient will not gain as so much fat as before.
Duration of Surgery
Approx. 1 Hour
Stitch Removal
7 Days after the Surgery
Number of Follow-ups
Approx. 5 Visits
Recovery Period
1 Day after the Surgery
JJ Plastic Surgery’s Body Shape Discovering Liposuction?
  1. Minimal Incision
    We operate on minimal incisions around less visible areas to minimize visible scars.
  2. Clear Effect in a Short Amount of Time
    You can achieve the body you want in about a week. It takes a long time and a lot of effort to reach this body via exercise or diet.
    (If you divide the surgery in two, it shortens the recovery period. It is possible to have the surgery during the weekend and go back to work on the next working day.)
  3. Cutting-Edge Equipment on Respective Body Parts
    We are equipped with liposuction equipment that respectively utilizes ultrasound, high-frequency wave, water, and laser. Thus, we can remove fat from respective body parts in the most fitting way.
Liposuction Intended for
  1. Someone who attempted at losing weight for a long time but has not seen good results
  2. Someone who experiences fat accumulation in certain body parts
  3. Someone who gains weight even though he/she eats little
  4. Someone who has fat only in his/her lower body
  5. Someone who is suffering from yo-yo syndrome
  6. Someone who wants a safe liposuction
Fat widely spread around Abdomen/Love Handle Liposuction
Fat above the navel are relatively dense. Fat around this part is not prominent when one lies down as it is next to the chest; but when one sits or stands it becomes prominent, making it a difficult area for liposuction. If the lower part of the abdomen has much fat, it means the upper part has also accumulated fat. Thus, one must to remove this fat. JJ Plastic Surgery removes fat around upper, lower, and sides of the abdomen, removing the whole love handle.
Incision for abdomen liposuction
We make minimal incision in the navel or inside the underwear line. The scar is hardly visible.
Exercise or diet isn’t enough Thighs Liposuction
Thighs have the biggest and strongest muscles in our body. To protect and help the move of these muscles, we have much fat all around the thighs. As one gets older, the fat increases, making the legs to lose its shape and sag.
Since the thighs have the most surplus fat in our body, this area is one of the most difficult areas for liposuction.
To balance both legs, the surgeon needs to remove the right amount of fat and relocate them accordingly.
Incision for thighs liposuction
We make minimal incision on the inside part of the thighs and under the hips. Therefore, even if one wears shorts or bikinis, the scars are not visible.
For a straight and smooth arms Arms Liposuction
The flesh inside the elbow is consisted of muscles that connect to the shoulder, thin and smooth inner skin, and tougher and thicker outer skin. In most cases, fat accumulates on the outer part and spreads toward the inner part, especially when one holds his/her arm.

In effect, an arm has 500-1000cc of fat. As one gets older, the constantly accumulated fat does not go away easily by exercising or diet. As arms have thin skin, and as the nerves and blood vessels are located close to the skin, arm liposuction requires delicate attention. The key to arm liposuction is to remain the natural round shape of an arm and sufficiently remove fat in the outer skin of the arm.
Incision for arms liposuction
We make minimal incision inside the armpit.
Therefore, even if one wears sleeveless, the scars are not visible.
Sagging or inelastic face? Facial Liposuction
One’s facial bones are surrounded by soft tissues mainly consisted of fat. As one gets older, the fat around the lower part of the face and the skin that connects the jaw and the neck becomes flaccid.

Facial liposuction removes excessive fat around the face and the neck. As this surgery removes the fat over the skin, it revives the elasticity in the skin and makes a younger looking chin. Facial liposuction is not only intended for older patients; young patients who have a lot of fat around the face can improve their face contour by having this procedure. It is also possible to accompany facial lifting with facial liposuction.

For facial liposuction, we make incision behind the ear, top part of the neck, or the end of the chin so that the scars are not clearly visible. In general we can remove 500-1000cc of fat. We can also remove fat by making an incision inside one’s mouth and remove fat that causes the cheeks to sag. This procedure can be accompanied by facial contouring.

"Liposuction is possible in any part of the body—face, abdomen, thighs, hips, waist, back, and arm!"

However, as each part has different features, and as each individual has different body shape, an accurate diagnosis should precede the procedure. JJ Hong Jin Joo Plastic Surgery has much experience in liposuction and performs a liposuction that certainly removes fat and makes an elastic body.
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JJ 홍진주성형외과에서는 환자분의 상담을 위해 아래와 같은 개인정보를 수집하고 있습니다.

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보존 항목 : 환자 온라인 상담자료
보존 근거 : 병원내부방침
보존 기간 : 회원탈퇴시까지
