
[ Transparent Cheekbone Reduction ]
Along with Square Jaw Reduction, Cheekbone Reduction is the most frequent operation that is performed for facial contouring.

JJ Plastic Surgery’s Transparent Cheekbone Reduction is a unique way to reduce the cheekbone; rather than carving out the obtrusive part of the bone, we cut and rotate the cheekbone to effectively reduce front and side parts of the cheekbone. In addition, Transparent Cheekbone Reduction uses absorptive fixing pin to place and fast the fractured bones, which makes fast and clean recovery as the pin becomes absorbed into the body and does not appear even on X-rays.
Duration of surgery
Approx. 1 Hour
Stitch Removal
5 Days After the Surgery
Number of Follow-ups
2-3 Visits
Recovery period
3-5 Days
Intended for
  1. Someone who has a big cheekbone in general
  2. Someone who wants to reduce cheekbone from front, side, 45-degree angle
  3. Someone who cannot afford long recovery period
The Superiority of JJ Plastic Surgery’s Three-Dimension Cheekbone Rotation
Cheekbone Reduction, Solid and Fast Fix is the Key

"Cheekbone Reduction, Solid and reliable fixing is important!"

JJ Plastic Surgery fixes every fracture of bones so that you can enjoy fast and safe recovery. Cheekbone is connected to masticatory muscle, and if the bones are not fixed accurately, they can later fall out or become lose. To prevent such side effects permanently, it is essential to tightly fix the soft tissues.

"Absorptive Transparent Pin, Intriguing Innovation!"

JJ Plastic Surgery uses absorptive transparent pin that absorbs into the body instead of metal pin. This absorptive pin fastens the fractured bone for six months with the intensity of titanium.
Methods of Cheekbone Reduction
The surgery is operated through the incision inside of the mouth. The hard part between your eyes and cheeks is the part that determines your looks. If this part is big, it makes your cheekbone large from all angles.

In cases where this bone is big, it makes you look skinnier and older as it makes your lower cheek hollow. For people with such cheekbone, we induce the fracture of bones to come more forward so that we can reduce the volume of the higher part of your cheek.

The width of your face can appear large when zygomatic arch, which is connected to the front of your ear, is too large. Zygomatic arch is like a bridge that links the front of the ear and the cheek. It is a narrow part of your face, and it is possible to push its fractured parts backwards by making a small incision. In most cases, the operation is possible by making an incision about 1 cm in the mouth and the sideburn part of the face.

As explained above, cheekbone reduction is carried out by fracturing the bones in question and pushing the fractured parts backwards. We can control whether to focus on the front cheekbone or the side by deciding the incision line on the cheek.

Also, it is possible to make both cheeks look more balanced by controlling the reduced volume on both cheeks while in operation.
Anesthesia and its Side Effects in case of Cheekbone Reduction
Cheekbone reduction requires general anesthesia. You may have heard rumors that warn the danger of general anesthesia, especially general anesthesia for facial contouring. However, general anesthesia required for plastic surgery, including cheekbone reduction, is a rather shallow level of general anesthesia. General anesthesia commonly indicates anesthesia that makes you unconscious;
however, there are various levels of general anesthesia. Surgeries including heart, lung, stomach, and brain surgeries demand high level of anesthesia because they need to temporarily stop the function of the organ in question for the operation. Nevertheless, plastic surgeries generally prefer the level of general anesthesia that allows the patient to breathe on his/her own. Thus, when experienced anesthetist is present, it is difficult to imagine a patient not waking up from the anesthesia. In most cases, it is not the anesthesia but the inexperience of the surgeon that causes side effects in plastic surgery.
Instant measure is possible by Dantrolene if general anesthesia causes side effects : Dantrolene

JJ Plastic Surgery carries Dantrolene!
Dantrolene, usually possessed only by university hospitals and special hospitals, is a medicine that can treat malignant hyperthermia that can happen very rarely under general anesthesia. General anesthesia can cause malignant hyperthermia for certain allergic patients, making their temperature suddenly rise and go through arrhythmia. In extreme cases, patients can die unless immediate measures are taken. JJ Plastic Surgery holds Dantrolene, the only known medicine for malignant hyperthermia, which ensures your safety.
Bridion Provides Optimal Environment for Safe and Successful Surgery : Bridion

JJ Plastic Surgery puts safety first and uses Bridion, a muscle relaxant!
Bridion is a medicine that is prescribed to high-risk patients who may experience difficulty in breathing after surgery in university hospitals and special hospitals. Medicines before Bridion affected cardiovascular system, and required special attention when used for patients with cardiovascular problems. However, Bridion facilitates instant muscle relaxation, which allows effective general anesthesia until the end of the surgery that is ideal for both the surgeon and the patient. Also, because it leaves no remaining muscle relaxation, it makes anesthesia safer.
Pain after the Surgery
Because intubation is required for general anesthesia, your neck can hurt for a couple of days as if you have caught a cold. To make this period shorter, JJ Hong Jin Joo Plastic Surgery takes special measure and uses special injections for couple of days to reduce the swelling of the throat.

In general, facial contouring does not cause a lot of pain. It is because bones scarcely have the nerve that perceives pain. Therefore, carving bones does not cause much pain.

The reason why people experience great pain when arms or legs break is because the fractured parts of the bone hurt their surrounding soft tissues and sensory nerves. Surgeons operating for cheekbone reduction or square jaw surgery plan in advance to fix the fractured parts so that broken bones will not irritate other parts of your face.

A scar inside the mouth is inevitable. It will not show but as it will feel harder than other parts inside the mouth, it can be uncomfortable for a while. However, the part will soften as it heals.
Side Effects
It is impossible to eliminate the possibility of side effects in surgeries.
Yet, we consider it most important to prevent side effects. The experience and skill of our surgeons reduce the chance of such events. Nevertheless, if side effect occurs in spite of all our efforts, we are prepared to deal with it in most rapid and apt ways.
  1. Asymmetrical Reduction
    Cheekbone is asymmetrical than any other bones. However, it can be improved by controlling the amount of the fracture, though we do not perform cheekbone reduction solely to correct asymmetry.
  2. Nerve Damage
    It is unusual to damage nerves in cheekbone surgeries, and, in most cases, it naturally heals as time passes. Such side effect itself is very rare and, when specialists operate, there is almost no chance that the patient will die due to the surgery.

    This is why one should consider the surgeon’s mastery a more important factor than the fame or brand of the hospital when doing plastic surgery.
Recovery After the Surgery
One of the most frequent questions we receive is how long it will take for patients to go back to their daily life.

For most of the swelling to disappear after cheekbone reduction, it takes about a week to 10 days. The surgical area is smaller, and the occurrence of hematoma is scarcer than other surgeries. In about a week, you may appear a little bloated in the face, but in no way extreme. This is because the incision for cheekbone reduction is above the part where food can reach, and thus, the scar can remain clean and blood can flow easily.

For about 3-4 weeks after the surgery, you cannot visibly see the difference, which can make you impatient. But you should wait a little more, as about a month after the surgery you will be able to experience the difference. People around you will start to notice the difference as well.

Although it varies individually, you will be able to see the final result in about 2-6 months. As cheekbone reduction includes fracturing and fixing bones, it is necessary to avoid hard food for about three weeks. Especially for the first week, you need to avoid tough food.

You may hear a frictional sound when you open your mouth; this is because the fractured bones are close to jaw joints. Precise operation will not affect jaw joints, but the movements of the frontal jaw can affect the fractured bones. This sound will disappear as the rear part of the fracture heals.
Cautions for Cheekbone Reduction
  1. For 3-5 days after the surgery, you need to wear compression bandage or compression mask on your face (this will allow the swelling to subside faster). However, if the compression is too strong, it can hurt your head or the tip of the jaw.
  2. Your eyes can have a bruise, and in rare cases, it can swell. However, it will disappear.
  3. You can wash your face in 2-3 days. You should eat gruel for 2-3 days, and start eating soft food from the fourth day.
  4. The sutures in your mouth and sideburn will be removed in 5-8 days.
  5. For 3-4 weeks, you need to be careful not to chew on hard food (cheekbone is connected to the masticatory muscle, so the operated part can alter when you chew to hard)
  6. As the masticatory muscle rests for 3-4 weeks, it is difficult to open the mouth for a while. Thus, after 3-4 weeks, you should chew on hard food and work on opening the mouth. In a week or two, you will be able to open your mouth (there can be small amount of pain in the jaw joint around the ear).
  7. It is important to drink a lot of water to have the inside of your mouth clean. Especially after eating gruel, you need to drink a lot of water and gargle, so that your scar inside the mouth is kept clean. You can use children’s tooth brush or interdental brush to brush your teeth.
  8. Cheekbones are naturally asymmetrical. Nonetheless, because of the swelling, both cheeks can look a lot different after the surgery. However, as time goes, both cheeks will look similar again.
  9. You can feel numb around teeth, lips, and forehead after the surgery for a while. However, it will completely heal in weeks or months.
JJ Plastic Surgery’s Unique Three-Dimension Cheekbone Rotation
  1. Beauty and Safety
    We use 3D CT for precise analysis, and plan the surgery by putting safety first. We plan and operate with 3D image analysis and consider the proportion of the entire face, which ensures correct and satisfying result.
  2. Accurate Diagnosis on Respective Cases
    Our accumulated experience allows accurate diagnosis, which ensures the optimal operation plan for a natural and beautiful facial contour.
  3. Perfect Planning
    We decide on the most appropriate surgery plan on the grounds of our virtual simulation system, and see the results before the surgery. After finding the most ideal design, we follow the plan exactly in real surgery.
  4. Constant Presence of an Anesthetist
    Our anesthetist is always present at the hospital to make sure the safety of the patient during surgery.
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보존 항목 : 환자 온라인 상담자료
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보존 기간 : 회원탈퇴시까지
